Get expert information with the BRA Speakers Bureau

Get expert information with the BRA Speakers Bureau

If you’re hosting a community event within the Brazos River basin on water and need a speaker, consider an expert from the Brazos River Authority.


The BRA Speakers Bureau can provide an expert to speak to your group or organization on a variety of topics ranging from water planning, water and wastewater treatment, flood management, the water cycle and more.

The speakers, who are from several departments and locations within the Brazos River Authority and Brazos River basin, are available to speak at your event free of charge. Past speaking events have included civic club meetings, chambers of commerce meetings, schools, garden clubs and more.
If you’re interested in booking a BRA expert, please call us at 254-761-3248 or email information@brazos.org
Please contact us at least three weeks in advance of your event. The BRA will work with you to determine which topic and speaker will meet the organization’s need. 

