May the 4th be life-saving!

May the 4th be life-saving!

There will be more than 300 kids’ life jackets to give away, fun games, and educational activities at the sixth annual Water Safety Awareness Day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., on May 4 at Rough Creek Park, 2209 South Morgan St. in Granbury.

Not only will Brazos River Authority (BRA) staff be fitting kids with the proper size for their free life jackets, first responders from all over Hood County will have their vehicles and equipment on display. There will also be a kid fishing tournament with hourly prizes and free hot dogs for everyone. 

Best of all, all activities for the day are FREE.

For Kyle Lewis, the Brazos River Authority’s project manager/program coordinator at Lake Granbury, the annual water safety awareness day is a passion, one he works toward year-round to prepare and solicit volunteers. “When the kids show up, we will get them in a properly fitting life jacket,” says Lewis. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning is the leading cause of death for children. More children ages 1-4 die from drowning than any other cause of death and it’s the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 5-14.
The CDC states that July is the month with the most unintentional drownings. In 2023, there were 753 drownings. In 2022, that number was slightly higher at 792 drownings. 

Drowning prevention starts with a properly fitting life jacket and one that is U.S. Coast Guard-approved. 

“Buying a life jacket for your child to "grow into" can put them in danger while they are near or in the water. An improper-fitting life jacket could be just as dangerous as not wearing one,” Lewis says. “The life jacket must fit properly in order to function the way it was designed to function.”
Cook Children’s Hospital has served as a partner in the water safety awareness day for several years, donating life jackets to this effort. With these donations, the BRA is able to provide properly fitting, life-saving tools for children each year as they grow.  

But Lewis notes that adult supervision is also important in saving children's lives near water. He works to educate parents that drowning is silent. A child left unsupervised for even just a moment could be a moment too long. “There should be no distractions when children are in or around the water,” said Lewis. Please put down your phones and pay attention to the kids. It could very well save a life.”

The BRA invites everyone to come out and enjoy a day of fun and fishing, learn about water safety and receive a free kids' life jacket while supplies last.  

6th Annual Lake Granbury Water Safety Awareness Day, May 4th, at Rough Creek Park, at 2209 South Morgan St. in Granbury, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

May the 4th be Life Saving!
